particular focus on the Left Hand Path philosophy, LuciferianSpir-ituality and Draconian Tradition. Active practitioner ofOccult Arts. Founder and coordinator of the Temple of AscendingFlame. Au-thor of The Book of Mephisto: A Modern Grimoire of theFaustian Tradition (2006), Necronomicon Gnosis: A PracticalIntroduction (2007), Sol Tenebrarum: The Occult Study of Melancholy(2011), The Grimoire of Tiamat (2013), Liber Thagirion (2014),Draconian Ritual Book (2016), Qliphothic Meditations (2016),co-author of Chants of Belial (in collaboration with Edgar Kerval),and co-author and editor of a number of anthologies and occultmagazines. She is also a varied artist, working with digital media,and themes of her artwork include various gothic, fantasy andesoteric concepts. Contact:
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