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Save Your Kids from Deadly Hazards in Think of The Children-GOG


A 2014 study found that nearly a quarter of children still complained of a headache one month after injury. About a fifth suffered from tiredness, and almost 20 percent said that they still took longer to think than they did before their injury.

Think of The Children-GOG

Where did we begin to lose sight of that noble beginning, of our conviction that standards of right and wrong do exist and must be lived up to? Do we really think that we can have it both ways, that God will protect us in a time of crisis even as we turn away from him in our day-to-day life?

It's time to realize, I think, that we need God more than he needs us. But millions of Americans haven't forgotten. They know we've been on a toboggan slide, and they're determined to do something about it. And I'm honored to stand before you, 3,500 of their most effective and courageous leaders. And let me say, I do not agree with those who accuse you of trying to impose your views on others. If we have come to the point in America where any attempt to see traditional values reflected in public policy would leave one open to irresponsible charges, then I say the entire structure of our free society is threatened. The first amendment was not written to protect the people from religious values; it was written to protect those values from government tyranny.

Let us go forward with our conviction that education doesn't begin with Washington officials or State officials or local officials. It begins with the family, where it is the right and the responsibility of every parent. And that responsibility, I think, includes teaching children respect for skin color that is different than their own; religious beliefs that are different from their own. It includes conveying the message to the young as well as to the old that racial discrimination and religious bigotry have no place in a free society.

I know how much many of you are already doing and, believe me, I'm grateful. It's a little like preaching to the choir, I know, for me to be saying these things to this particular audience. You are already out on the point. But too many people have been told that what they do is not as important or worthwhile as what government does. I don't buy that. Last week at the Annual Prayer Breakfast, I spoke of the parable of the good Samaritan. And I've always believed that the meaning and the importance of that parable is not so much the good that was done to the beaten pilgrim, it was to the Samaritan who crossed the road, who knelt down and bound up the wounds of the beaten traveler, and then carried him into the nearest town. He didn't take a look and hurry on by into that town and then find a caseworker and say, ``There's somebody out there on the road I think needs help.''

Maybe it's later than we think. Let us go forth from here and rekindle the fire of our faith. Let our wisdom be vindicated by our deeds. And when our work is done, we can say that we have fought the good fight, we have finished the race, we have kept the faith. And we can say some day to our children's children, ``We did all that could be done in the moment that was given us here on Earth.''

By age 4, your child's thoughts should start to flow in complete sentences with far less effort than it took just a year earlier. At this point, your child usually shouldn't have to stop and think about what to say or how to say it.

This article has been put together to help you protect your child over the age of 2 from the flu. This is not a substitute for medical advice from your health care provider. If you think your child may have the flu, call your provider right away.

This article explains the relationship between ADHD and the condition known as brain fog. It describes which thinking abilities can be affected by ADHD and it discusses treatments that may help clear the fog.

Regular exercise improves thinking abilities in people with ADHD, studies show. Activity boosts executive function, which is the set of skills that allow you to remember, plan, focus, and follow instructions.

Brain fog is a popular term that refers to a sense of mental fatigue and a slowdown in your thinking abilities. People with brain fog have trouble remembering and processing information. They can also have slower reaction times and lapses of attention.

Sometimes people with cancer worry about, joke about, or become frustrated by what they describe as mental cloudiness or changes they might notice before, during, and after cancer treatment. This cloudiness or mental change is commonly referred to as chemo brain (or chemobrain). Doctors and researchers may call chemo brain many things, such as cancer treatment-related cognitive impairment, cancer-related cognitive change, or post-chemotherapy cognitive impairment. The word "cognitive" refers to the way your brain works to help you communicate, think, learn, solve problems, and remember.

So far, there is no known way to prevent the cognitive changes that cause chemo brain. This is because the causes are still being studied. For some people, treating their cancer will mean they might have trouble with thinking, memory, planning, and finding the right words. Chemo brain seems to happen more often in people who get high doses of chemo, and is more likely to happen if the brain is also treated with radiation therapy.

Gliding: The /w/ and /y/ sounds are classified as "glides." Gliding is a phonological process typically affecting /r/ and /l/, which are classified as "liquids." It's probably safe to say that anyone who spends much time around Standard American English-speaking children has observed this process first-hand and can think of several children who pronounce /r/ and /l/ as /w/ (my right leg becomes my wight weg), or /l/ as /y/ (lemonade becomes yemonade). Less commonly, /r/ will be glided as /y/ (four becomes foy).

'Open' syllables (syllables that end in a vowel sound, like tea are unmarked, because they can be found in just about all languages. There are a lot of languages out there that I know nothing about, but I think you'd be hard pressed to find a language that doesn't have any open syllables. 'Closed syllables', which end in a consonant sound (e.g., eat) are more marked than open syllables, because there are numerous languages that do not have them (e.g., Swahili, Hawaiian) or severely restrict them (e.g., Japanese has closed syllables ending in nasal consonants /n/, /m/, or /ng/, but no others; Mandarin Chinese has closed syllables ending only in /n/). 2ff7e9595c

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