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Sblive Driver And The Kxproject Driver


ASIO Driver for Soundblaster Live. Works with all Windows versions. All you need to do is install the driver - NO rewiring of the card.You might also want to try these links

Best regards,Molghus" Was this review helpful? (Report this) 4 of 5 people found the following review helpful: Dan Tested on Windows XP 20 Apr 2010(3 hours after download) Installation: Stability: Compatibility: "No problems. Smooth download, smooth install, audio is great, performance is clean. Download, then extract zip file to a remebered location. Do driver update(install)inside device manager; point to remebered location when asked for updated drivers." Was this review helpful? (Report this) Already tried it? Give your review.

sblive driver and the kxproject driver

If the driver listed is not the right version or operating system, search our driver archive for the correct version. Enter Creative Labs kX 10k1 Audio - 5.1 Model SB0100 into the search box above and then submit. In the results, choose the best match for your PC and operating system.

Once you have downloaded your new driver, you'll need to install it. In Windows, use a built-in utility called Device Manager, which allows you to see all of the devices recognized by your system, and the drivers associated with them.

the sb0570 is the audigy se which is not compatible with this driver, you have to own sound cards based on the 10k1 or 10k2 or similar chipsets to work with this driver, yours uses a totally different architecture, but if you want to test it, compatible sound cards like sopund blaster live are cheap to get and compatible, for pcie you can use the sound blaster audigy rx

regurding driver source code, i have seen that new commits of the original kx audio driover have been made, but nothig that will change the mac os side, the only this is a minor change in a buffer size, that i have applied to mine branch, and also from testing i have seen tat the driver boots up and seems to work with the 44.1 khz sample rate, so now i have only to figure out how to change the sample rate from the driver side, maybe i can make as a default frequency 44,1 khz, you can try this with the latest source of the driver, just go into audio engine file and change the value of the sampling_rate variable in the init function, note that the value is in hz and not khz, so 44,1 is 44100

for the sample rate stuff i can make the driver to work at 44.1 khz as default frequency but i am figuring out how to change sample rate whithout rebooting, as i have seen in the perform format change event i have to change the buffer of my audio stream or to rebuild it to work at a different frequency

ok, i have been trying for 2 days to implement the frequency switching, but at the end nothing worked, so now i can release a version of the kx audio driver with 44,1 khz as default frequency and then if you want to use a different one, you need use a boot arg and also rebooting.

i will try to contact some of the developers of the kx audio dirver and i will also try to commit my audigy rx improved compatibility for the original driver, because it lacks support for all the i/o of the audigy rx, which can be added using a very simle mod to the existing code

the drivers uses exactly a switch for that, but i have used a more complex naming system for the sound cards, becuase it can be from 2 different brands, and instead of rewriting sound blaster i used an enum and the object of the struct which represents the soiund cards has a property which tells if it's a sound blaster or an e-mu or an unknown card, and then which model is it, but you sound blaster audigy 2 zs will work with the driver, i have one and works great!

now i have to test all the frequencyes to work with different cards and see which is the maximun working one for each card, but i can already say that sound blaster live! cards are limited up to 48khz, so the driver will support from 8khz up to 48 khz on this kind of cards, i prefer to keep using official supported sample rates, now i have to test it on the audigy 1st series, 2 series, audigy 2 zs cards and audiigy rx cards to see which is the max frequency thaty can support, but most of them are just limited to 96khz, but we will see in the tests, after the tests i can release both the drivers and the source code for it.

Great info! I would be interested in the source code I care very much about getting 192kHz, I could try to figure it out. I also have one more question: is the driver not really limited to only 24 bits? I'm asking because the Audirvana Plus application identifies the card as 32 bit, but the playback itself is only in 24 bits, and this program supports 32 bit audio playback.

the driver for 10k2 cards like the supported sound balster audigy cards, works at 32 bit but physically i think that cards accepts only 24 bits, but i am not sure about that, for the 192 khz sampling rate i think that it can't work because the the math of the driver or the cards itself struggles to handle it (maybe beause it has been implememnted in a particular way and the whay the driver handles frequencyes is not correct to handle such implementation, i have seen that in the official windows drivers 192 khz are implemented only for the main output, but the kx audio dirver does change the frequency of all the outputs at the sane time, to let them to be in sync, so i ahve to try see if it can work maybe just using it for the main output only) and also do remember that sound blaster live and other 10k1 based cards are limited up to 48 khz and can work only at 16 bits, so higher frame rates can be used only on 10k2 based cards, i am testing those using my cards from the audigy series including the audigy 2 zs, but a driver limited to 176,4 khz can be released now, i just have to finish testing, change version and build numbers abd compile a version to distribute, today i have aklso done testing on my sound blaster live! cards and it's working fine on that cards too

Yes but the drivers are said to be stereo only. I have a 5 point surround setup here, and I actually use it. I find that in the new versions of OFPR the distance attuenuation with Creative drivers actually impairs the hearing of sounds too much (IMO). And no loud footstep sound anymore with Creative drivers.

So i think its rather useless to download these drivers, cause the only thing that prevents the crackling is to turn of EAX under Win XP and the reason why these drivers are not crackling is they just don`t support EAX !

The problem I have is that when I turn off EAX and hardware acceleration, my sound completly fades after some minutes. Only way to get it back is to switch EAX and hard acc. back on. So that leaves me with no choice than playing with crackling. I have tried stereo-only drivers before and I must say that, even though without crackling, they sound like shit compared to the standard creative drivers.

Bricktop: those words are not something creative came up with and of DOES support 5.1, it's called EAX. You obviously have no clue. It's good that these drivers solve your sound issues and they may be worth a try for others but don't post stuff that just is not true. There is stuff like occlusion, there is stuff like eax and 5.1 surround sound is possible with any game that supports eax. That's what eax is for.

You like the drivers. Good. But that does not mean that everyone who doesn't like them is an idiot like you insinuate. There are reasons to use eax and a surround sound setup may be the best one. I'd rather advise people to buy a decent soundcard and not stuff from creative labs.

Okay, don't get defensive, I am not saying you did not provide a service to the community here. I told you already, thanks for sharing, and I find this to be a very valuable post as in the future these drivers should finally fix all the Creative sound problems. (once they figure out all of DirectSound3D)

Now about the 5.1 stuff: If the drivers are stereo only that means you will not be able to tell the direction of the sound(not well). That is unless you use EAX with stereo headphones... the clarity of sound matters, but the direction is much more important for a simulation. For you the crackling is unbearable, for me it's almost the same, but that's not the point.

- Â I never said Occlusion etc wasnt in the game, I said OFP wasnt mastered using 5.1, and to my knowledge thats a fact. I can tell which direction things are coming from just fine so thats not an issue with these drivers.

- The problem may well be EAX for you but that is not the case for me and many others ... the problem lies with Creative's drivers and no matter what I do it persists. With the Kx Drivers I no longer have that problem and the sound is way clearer.

- I totally understand your point as I am a hardcore OFP player and I do a lot of Mission Scripting, so it does count and it is important to be able to hear where things are coming from etc. I personally have no problem doing this with the Kx drivers although I would concede that EAX does it better (More Precisely). I believe this issue is a Ceative issue rather than a BIS issue but unfortunately, as Creative doesn't give a hoot about its customers .... unless they are Audigy (New Hardware related) I doubt we will ever see a fix from them. 2ff7e9595c


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