I've seen it where setting some parts of report objects in code will cause the report to become corrupt. There is no fix for courrupt reports other than re-building the report. And sometimes not setting all of the variables in an API will cause issues also.Are you verifying the database in your app, or testing connectivity? Try setting the Mapping event in the viewer control and to pop up a message box. Set Mapping to Prompt mode, this way CR Field Mapping UI will appear if for some reason our field mapping is having a problem at run time.It may be that for some reason at runtime your DB dependencies are not found. Try connecting to the DB directly and some other table other than your. Use Pubs or the sample database to test and see if that throws any errors.Open the repor tin CR Designer and preview it. Now save it with data or export it to a new RTP file. 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Login / Sign-up Search Questions and Answers 0 Former Member Jun 02, 2009 at 11:31 PM VB6 Crystal 8 run time error 20534 "error detected by database dll" 4634 Views Follow RSS Feed Help! I've inherited a VB6 that launches a Crystal report from within; it is using Crystal 8.
Error 20534.error Detected By Database Dll Crystal Reports
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The error I'm getting is "Run time error 20534, Error detected by database dll". When I step through in the debugger, the offending line in the VB code is the ".Action=1" command that I understand actually executes the report.
From what I read online, the 20534 error is mostly a generic crystal message that covers a variety of things. For the database dll message, most things point to a problem in the query the report is running. Here's the problem - I can open and run the report in report designer just fine. No problems at all. In fact, I can debug the VB, and while it's sitting at the .Action line erroring out, I can open the .rpt file and run it and it pulls the current data I'm expecting.
What the heck do I try next? Other crystal reports work on the same server that this is running from, and reinstalling crystal isn't really an option. Is there a DLL I can try and reregister? Is there something else to try? Thanks much for ANY ideas or help!